About Newface

Newface Social Welfare Network is an

NGO based in Chennai

  • New Face Foundation is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) established in the year of 2021.

We believe that every section of the society should be empowered to the fullest of their potentials and everyone should be given all the opportunities to live their fullest and empowered lives.

We at New Face Foundation focused on the development of the deprived, vulnerable section of the society through our multi-dimensional approaches and activities.

We are thoroughly focused on bridging the gap that arises between the needs and resources of the vulnerable community.

New Face Foundation works with children, women, transgenders, and marginalized communities, build their capacity towards empowerment and lead them towards achieving equality and wellbeing in the society.


Women Shelter

Railway Child Help desk

Skill Training

Paediatric Cancer Support

Child Education Sponsorship


Road Safety Awareness

Disaster Response

Tribal Welfare

Vocational Training Center